Pet Dental Care Checklist

Pet Dental Care Checklist

If you have a furry friend then you know how important it is to care for their health. But did you know that their dental health is an important part of overall care? Our Columbia vets offer a list of some of the things you can do to help care for your pet's dental health.

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Periodontal Disease & Other Common Dental Problems in Dogs

Periodontal Disease & Other Common Dental Problems in Dogs

When it comes to issues commonly plaguing our beloved companions, dental concerns are near the top of that list. Our vets in Columbia are here to discuss periodontal disease in dogs and other common dental problems that may affect your canine companion.

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Do I Have An Overweight Cat? Sign, Symptoms and What To Do

Do I Have An Overweight Cat? Sign, Symptoms and What To Do

Unfortunately, overweight cats are a common sign in today's society. We see a cat that is round and we praise them for their cuteness without thinking about the harm it is causing. Our Columbia vets discuss the issue with having an overweight cat, the signs to watch for and what you can do to help them.

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My Dog Eats Grass: Why Do They Do It - Is my Dog Poisoned?

My Dog Eats Grass: Why Do They Do It - Is my Dog Poisoned?

Most dogs will nibble on grass now and again, but some dogs seem to munch on grass relentlessly. But is there a reason for this behavior? Our Columbia vets talk about why dogs eat grass and when you should be concerned.

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Dog Chewing Problems: Why They Chew & How To Stop Them

Dog Chewing Problems: Why They Chew & How To Stop Them

Any pet parent will tell you that chewing is a relatively common issue among dogs and puppies. While it may be common, there are ways that you can help curb this activity in your dog. Here our Columbia vets discuss the reasons why dogs chew and what steps you can take to stop them.

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Constipation in Dogs & What To Do About It

Constipation in Dogs & What To Do About It

Our beloved canine companions can experience all types of ailments but one of the most common conditions that we see is constipation. Here, our Columbia vets share some information about constipation in dogs and what you can do to help relieve their symptoms to get them back to normal.

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Pet Care & Health Tips

Pet Care & Health Tips

If you have a pet then you know that they come with a very large responsibility. But with routine care and lots of love, owning a pet can be an incredible experience. Our Columbia vets share some helpful pet health and care tips to help you give your pet the life the deserve.

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Herd Health Management: Cattle and Swine

Herd Health Management: Cattle and Swine

Maintaining the health and well-being of your herd is to keep them healthy, comfortable and producing at the level and quality that you need. Learn more about importance of herd health management.

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Coggins Testing & Equine Infectious Anemia

Coggins Testing & Equine Infectious Anemia

Here, our Columbia vets share some facts about Coggins testing, Equine Infectious Anemia, and why and how this test is performed to help detect this serious condition.

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Animal Health Certificates: Who Can Issue Them?

Animal Health Certificates: Who Can Issue Them?

If you have ever had to travel with your farm animals or your horse to a different state, you know it isn't just as simple as hitching up the trailer and going on your way.

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