The veterinarians at our Columbia animal hospital are here to share helpful tips and advice in order to keep your animals healthy, happy and long-lived. 

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Routine Exams: Why are regular vet checkups important?

Routine Exams: Why are regular vet checkups important?

During routine exams, your vet will check for early symptoms of illness, internal damage, and other serious conditions that should be addressed. By catching them early at these checkups, you can prevent your pet from developing serious illnesses. Below, our vets in Columbia will go into further detail on why regular veterinary checkups are essential. 

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How To Clean Your Cat's Ears: Complete Guide

How To Clean Your Cat's Ears: Complete Guide

Cats are great at grooming themselves, but they can't quite clean their ears properly themselves. In this post, our veterinarians in Columbia share a step-by-step guide on properly cleaning your cat's ears.

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ECG for Pets: When is it needed?

ECG for Pets: When is it needed?

An ECG can be an important tool to keep track of your pet's heart health. In this post, our Columbia vets discuss ECGs for dogs and cats, when your vet will order one, and how to understand your pet's results.

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Why does my dog need a urinalysis?

Why does my dog need a urinalysis?

Our vets can monitor your dog's health and diagnose various conditions by testing your dog's urine. Here, our vets in Columbia share information about urinalysis for dogs, how it is performed and what we learn from it.

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Understanding Blood Tests for Dogs

Understanding Blood Tests for Dogs

Diagnostic tests allow vets to monitor your pet's health. They can help diagnose issues and establish a baseline. Here, our vets in Columbia discuss the purpose of blood tests for dogs and how they can help us care for your furry friend.

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Diagnostic Imaging for Dogs & Cats

Diagnostic Imaging for Dogs & Cats

Diagnostic imaging allows our veterinarians the opportunity to view and monitor the health of your pet's internal structures. Here, our Columbia vets discuss the purpose of diagnostic imaging and what to expect from your cat or dog's visit to our veterinary diagnostic laboratory for X-rays or CT scans.

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Difficulty Breathing in Cats & Dogs

Difficulty Breathing in Cats & Dogs

Panting or heavy breathing after exercise is quite normal for all pets. However, shortness of breath at other times may indicate an emergency. Here, our Columbia vets discuss the signs of breathing difficulties in dogs and cats and what to do if it occurs.

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Diarrhea in Dogs

Diarrhea in Dogs

Diarrhea not only makes a mess everywhere but also causes a number of uncomfortable symptoms. Today, our vets in Columbia explain the causes of diarrhea, what to do if your dog's stool is bloody, and when to call an emergency vet.

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Signs Your Pet Needs Emergency Care & What to Do

Signs Your Pet Needs Emergency Care & What to Do

While some emergencies can be obvious, there can be times when you aren't entirely sure if you should bring your cat or dog in for emergency care. Here, our Columbia veterinarians share the signs that your pet needs to see an emergency vet and what to do when emergencies happen.

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Signs of Pain in Cats & What Can Help

Signs of Pain in Cats & What Can Help

At some point, you've likely heard that cats don't show pain or illness. This is not far from the truth. They will hide it to protect themselves in the wild. Our vets in Columbia share the sometimes subtle signs of pain in cats and talk about when you should visit the vet and what can be done to help your feline friend.

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