Constipation in Dogs: Is it an emergency?

Constipation in Dogs: Is it an emergency?

While you can expect your dog's bowels to have occasional issues, constipation should be addressed quickly to prevent serious complications. Here, our Columbia vets share the common signs and causes of constipation in dogs and talk about when emergency care is needed. 

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The Signs & Symptoms of Pain in Dogs

The Signs & Symptoms of Pain in Dogs

While you can take all the possible precautions to protect your dog, accidents can still happen. Knowing the symptoms that accompany illness or injury, such as pain, can help get them feeling better quickly. Here, our Columbia vets talk about the signs that a dog is in pain, what can cause pain in dogs, and when it might be serious.

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What are tick-borne diseases in dogs?

What are tick-borne diseases in dogs?

External parasites like ticks carry organisms that can seriously affect the well-being of your pet. This makes parasite protection crucial for all furry friends. Here, our Columbia vets share some of the most common tick-borne diseases and illnesses in dogs and how they impact their health.

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Diagnosing Different Types of Anemia in Dogs

Diagnosing Different Types of Anemia in Dogs

Anemia occurs when the body does not produce enough red blood cells. There are a few different types that a dog may experience. Here, our Columbia vets share the different types of anemia in dogs including symptoms and how it is diagnosed.

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Fever in Dogs

Fever in Dogs

Dogs can get warm for various reasons from just running around to more serious medical issues. Knowing the signs and steps to take can help to address their symptoms quickly and prevent complications. Here, our Maury County Veterinary Hospital vets share the signs of a fever in dogs, why it happens, and what you can give a dog to reduce fever.

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Laser Therapy in Veterinary Medicine

Laser Therapy in Veterinary Medicine

Is your pet dealing with pain from an injury, illness, or procedure? Some therapies can supplement their standard care plan and help to manage any discomfort. Here, our Columbia vets share some of the benefits of cold laser therapy for dogs and cats, how it works, and what pets may see improvement from it.

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Importance of Parasite Control in Dogs

Importance of Parasite Control in Dogs

Parasites are external and internal pests that feed on your pet's blood and can cause a variety of potentially serious health issues. Here, our Columbia vets talk about how you can prevent parasites in dogs and the importance of parasite control for your pup and family. 

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FVRCP Cat Vaccine

FVRCP Cat Vaccine

Caring for your cat includes bringing them to the vet for routine vaccinations, exams, and parasite prevention. Vaccines are used to help protect them against serious illnesses and diseases. Here, our vets in Columbia share some vital information about the FVRCP vaccine, what it protects against, and what you need to know about these vaccinations.

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Ear Mites in Cats: Causes, Treatment, & Prevention

Ear Mites in Cats: Causes, Treatment, & Prevention

Occasionally, cats can pick up external pests who love to make themselves at home in the folds of your cat's ears. Here, our Columbia vets talk about how cats contract ear mites, what the common symptoms are, and how your vet will treat this parasitic infection.

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Dog Anxiety & Depression: Causes, Symptoms & How To Calm Your Dog's Nerves

Dog Anxiety & Depression: Causes, Symptoms & How To Calm Your Dog's Nerves

Just like you or I, our pets can go through phases where they feel a little down and sometimes there is no obvious cause. Our Columbia vets share some of the signs that your dog has depression or anxiety and ways that you can help ease their nerves.

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